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To be sure, some politicians think they are above those who they are supposed to serve. The problem is very apparent that the elections have been rigged for a whole generation of Americans that thought their votes counted. Just the idea that the SPTB, Sick Powers That Be came up with a ruling class that has kept themselves in power over our Government and We The People, like forever, is a travesty that needs to be fixed. "Dominion" over us no more.
The American People have had their Republic Stolen from them back in the late 1800s. We did not see it coming. We believed that our Founding Fathers had created a Union that would last. We had a Constitution that ensured we had God endowed Unalienable Rights that no form of Government intrusion could take away from us. Color us really stupid, or color us just sleeping off things that didn’t seem right. Regardless, it is time to wake up.
Charlie Ward has told us that he moved money for individuals who were buying elections. It’s just what wealthy people do to keep themselves in power.
The Central Intelligence Agency, that rogue Government Agency that has been destabilizing foreign Governments forever, took it upon themselves to create nefarious election programs to be sure that foreign elections were won by the “Right” people that they could control with bribes and extortions. Does this make you sick that our Government was involved with bad dealings all over the world?
And when the CIA needed to have certain individuals in America win an election they colluded with old Georgy Porgy to come up with an election machine that could be programmed to be sure the right person won the Election. Military Intelligence messed with these machines in 2016 and the 98% assured election that was to go to Clinton somehow let Trump win. The Deep State was livid and vowed to never let THAT happen again. You don't let the slaves pick who will be their leaders. With the word "impeachment" on all of their lips and hatred in their hearts, they fought the legitimacy of the Election and vowed to turn it around. The coup began even before Trump took office. The 2018 Election was a test to see if the Military Intelligence could gather up all the evidence they needed. With all the voter fraud unveiled in 2018, Trump made his Executive Order that stands as the basis of the Election Fraud being overturned legally. With thousands of Arrogant Elitist and Satanist all over the world, thinking that they had their way all planned out, got caught with their hands in the voting machines. Trump's EO means they are Treasonous and they are being dealt with as we write this post.
Hundreds and perhaps thousands of Military Flights are headed to Gitmo with arrested vote fraudsters. They may be getting their Military Tribunals as they head to Gitmo. Once there, how long they stay depends on the song they sing. We are at war and these people are considered enemy combatants. The MSM in their ARROGANCE is playing right into the hands of the military. And they think we are stupid.
Before you label me as a Democrat or a Republican, let's make this very clear, this is not about party affiliations. While the face of the Democrats is presently the Deep State, there are hundreds of Republicans who are complicit in the Deep State Voter Fraud and have been for years. The Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden crime Families are all in this together. Pelosi, Gavan Newsom, and their families, as well as the likes of Maxine Waters in her little swamp, will be revealed as the Military does its cleaning up of the Swamp.
The Georgia Swamp really stinks, and guess whose is on the list that the Quantum Computer has provided to the Military? Think, $107 Million for the Dominion Voting machines. Do you think for one second Georgia chose Dominion Voting Machines because of its reliability as a voting machine company? Anyone who bought Dominion Voting Machines did so with one thought in mind - defraud the voters and put the demented village idiot in office that they wanted. Yes, the one that didn’t have to campaign because they had – not the votes - but the voting machines. They did not know about the Quantum Computer and its ability to locate the fraud and turn it over to the Military for disposal of the treasonous enemy combatants.
The Quantum Computer can penetrate any computer network in the world. Nothing is exempt from this snoopy tool that finds all fraud, greed, and manipulations. If one penny of the $107 million came back to the Governor or the Secretary of State, or to any family members or friends paid by Dominion operatives, it is recorded in the QC. Simply put, if you lack a moral compass in your own life and want to go outside the bounds of propriety when you are dealing with the QC, it’s going to be a very rough road for you. The QC will be a moral compass for Society from now on. It can report every time anyone does something criminal or unethical.
A word to the Wise should be sufficient for anyone that is opposing the Alliance Military machine. You know not what you are up against. Your days are numbered and your deeds will be known. You had your way against us for a season, but it is now time for you to pay for what you have done. I wonder if God can get pissed off at some of these bad people? It would seem so. God gave us the Quantum Computer, the Moral Compass for those who have not developed one for themselves.
President Trump has given earth dwellers a magnificent 5-year Seminar on how to deal with bad people. Their ARROGANCE will be their own downfall. They believe they can go on forever in their destruction of mankind, thinking they can outmanoeuvre the Alliance who represents our God Force for the light. The Red Pill will be hard to swallow for those who have been controlled by the CIA MK-Ultra mind control programs. Maybe a pink version would not be quite so severe for them.
One more Sucker Fish to Fry can be found right here on Intel Dinar Chronicles. The Deep State has had its way here for many years. The constant lies and disinformation that has been disseminated on IDC are abominable. The Numbers of the pure intent of Hearts that have been crushed by you gurus are atrocious. You are part of the Swamp and when your time has come you will be terminated like the rest of your kind. You cannot continue to work your lies and manipulations with impunity. You are known and your days are numbered. The Alliance is calling the shots and as long as the gurus are having their way on IDC, the RV will Not Happen. This IDC Swamp will be cleaned up before the RV can take place. So when the Alliance is ready to start the RV for we Tier 4 B. (the ones you call the internet people) then that will be our Omen. The old gurus will be gone and another lot of authorized intel people will take over and complete the RV. Finally, we will have our day and move toward the RV. This is not a bad reflection on Patrick in any way. He has had an open forum and has let those who want to post their stuff have their way without censoring people. Bless Patrick for his willingness to take this on. To the gurus, your ride to Gitmo is being arranged and your ill-fated cell awaits your swamp stench. There is a growing list a mile long of those who will witness your fraud at your Military Tribunal.
The Quantum Computer and its capacities should be spread far and wide. This one change in society portends the New Golden Age of Mankind. The Quantum Computer is our useful tool against those who would do us harm. I keep seeing Trump's cheeky smile as another reporter bites the dust. Head Plant.
Ron Giles
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